I have added a license as well as configuration snippets on use. I think its probably best for infinispan if it were transferred to the Infinispan org.

Looking forward to your feedback.


On 27 August 2015 at 12:21, Tristan Tarrant <ttarrant@redhat.com> wrote:
Thank you Simon, this is excellent news !

On 27/08/2015 12:49, Simon Paulger wrote:
> Hi,
> This is now done and is available to see here:
> https://github.com/spaulg/infinispan-cachestore-redis. I used the remote
> store within the infinispan repo as a base of reference.

I see there is no license associated with that repo. I think you should
add one.
Would like the repo to become officially owned by the Infinispan
organization ?

> There are some points that my be worth further discussion. They are:
> 1. the cache loader size method return type is limited to int. Redis
> servers can hold much more than Integer.MAX_VALUE and the Jedis client
> method for counting items on the Redis server returns longs for each
> server, which in addition must be totalled up for each server if using a
> Redis cluster topology. To get around this I am checking for a long over
> Integer.MAX_VALUE and logging a warn, then returning Integer.MAX_VALUE.

This is a last-minute change we could do in Infinispan 8's

> 2. Redis handles expiration. I am using lifespan to immediately set the
> expiration of the cache entry in Redis, and when that lifespan is
> reached the item is immediately purged by Redis itself. This means,
> there is no idle time, and there is no purge method implementation.

Good :)

> 3. A few unit tests around expiration had to be disabled as they require
> changes to time. As expiration is handled by Redis, I would have to
> change the system time to make Redis force expiration. For now, they are
> just disabled.

Absolutely reasonable.

> I have built it against the Jedis client. I also tried 2 other clients,
> lettuce and redisson, but felt that Jedis gave the best implementation
> as a) it didn't try to do too much (by this I mean running background
> monitoring threads that try to detect failure and perform automatic
> failover of Redis slaves) and b) had all the API features I needed to
> make the implementation work efficiently.
> Jedis supports 3 main modes of operation. They are, single server, Redis
> sentinel and Redis cluster. Redis versions that should be supported are
> 2.8+ and 3.0+.
> I haven't tested this beyond the unit tests distributed with Infinispan
> which are starting full Redis servers in single server, sentinel and
> cluster configurations to run the tests, but I am hoping to start
> working on getting integration in to Wildfly 10, which I can test with a
> cache container for web sessions and a simple counter web app.

I will take a look at the code.

Thanks again for this awesome contribution.

Tristan Tarrant
Infinispan Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
infinispan-dev mailing list