Dear all,

a user has requested that the Cassandra cache store implement something akin to the key2stringmapper that the jdbc driver has. Manik has rightly suggested that we could move the mapper classes from the jdbc cachestore to a higher level (core ?). While I believe this is 5.0 material, I am planning to duplicate the system for the Cassandra cachestore for 4.2.x, but I want to maintain backwards compatibility for users who already have keys. One thing that the DefaultTwoWayKey2StringMapper does to recognize keys of different types is that it adds a numeric prefix at the beginning of each key to determine the type. This is fine for everything else, but I would like strings to be stored as-is. What do you think if the BOM (Unicode FEFF), followed by a type identifier, is prefixed at the beginning of each key when it is not a string ?
