On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 5:49 PM, Sanne Grinovero <sanne@infinispan.org> wrote:
On 15 July 2014 14:15, Dan Berindei <dan.berindei@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 12:51 AM, Sanne Grinovero <sanne@infinispan.org>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I was toying with a custom CacheStore experiment, and am having some
>> friction with some of the new SPIs.
>> So interface org.infinispan.marshall.core.MarshalledEntryFactory<K, V>
>> is an helper to use in the CacheStorei implementation, which exposes
>> three methods:
>>    MarshalledEntry<K,V> newMarshalledEntry(ByteBuffer key, ByteBuffer
>> valueBytes, ByteBuffer metadataBytes);
>>    MarshalledEntry<K,V> newMarshalledEntry(Object key, ByteBuffer
>> valueBytes, ByteBuffer metadataBytes);
>>    MarshalledEntry<K,V> newMarshalledEntry(Object key, Object value,
>> InternalMetadata im);
>> In my CacheStore - and I suspect most efficiency minded
>> implementations - I don't care about the value Object but I express a
>> specific physical layout for the metadata, so to run for example an
>> efficient "purge expired" task.
>> So, the key is given, the value Object needs to be serialized, but the
>> InternalMetadata I can map to specific fields.
>> Problem is at read time: I don't have a marshalled version of the
>> Metadata but I need to unmarshall the value.. there is no helper to
>> cover for this case.
>> Wouldn't this interface be more practical if it had:
>> Object unMarshallKey(ByteBuffer);
>> Object unMarshallValue(ByteBuffer);
>> InternalMetadata unMarshallMetadata(ByteBuffer);
>> MarshalledEntry newMarshalledEntry(Object key, Object value,
>> InternalMetadata im);
> I guess the idea was that MarshalledEntry unmarshalls the key, value, and
> metadata lazily. Even a purge listener may only be interested in the key,
> and in that case case we can avoid unmarshalling the value.
> I think you can do what you want by stuffing the bytes for everything in the
> MarshalledEntry, and unmarshalling the data via
> MarshalledEntry.getMetadata().

That's what I did but it's far from optimal, so I'm proposing the improvement.

Could you expand a bit on why this is suboptimal? The way I see it, you have to support any custom Metadata implementation anyway, so you have to either read and deserialize the entire metadata, or store a duplicate of the expiration timestamp somewhere else.

In LevelDB we store the timestamps in a separate DB, doing 2 LevelDB writes for every store write (with expiration), and I would be very interested in an alternative solution that only wrote to 1 DB.

>> Also, I'd get rid of generics. They are not helping at all, I can
>> hardly couple my custom CacheStore implementation to the end user's
>> domain model, right?
> I can see the user writing a custom JDBC store that stores the object's
> properties into separate columns and thus supporting a single type. But it's
> a pretty specialized case, and the user can very well do the casts himself.


> Maybe Paul and Will have more stuff to add here, they been discussing about
> generics in the cache store SPIs around
> https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/pull/2705
>> I was also quite surprised that other existing CacheStore
>> implementations don't have this limitation; peeking in the
>> JDBCCacheStore to see how this is supposed to work, it seems that
>> essentially it duplicates the data by serializazing the
>> InternalMetadata in the BLOB but also stored an Expiry column to query
>> via SQL. I was interested to see how the Purge method could be
>> implemented efficiently, and found a "TODO notify listeners" ;-)
> I believe the reason why we don't support purge listeners in the JDBC store
> is that we don't want to fetch the entries from the database at all. We
> can't ask CacheNotifier whether there are any listeners registered ATM, we
> need that to avoid the overhead when there are no listeners.

I understand the reason, still it's wrong isn't it ;-)
Having to load each entry for the "maybe there's a listener" case is
definitely silly, we should inform the CacheStore instance if
notifications are needed or not, and if they need just the key or the
whole entry, no need for metadata.
And for CacheStore instances which don't respect this we should at
least document the limitation, or open a JIRA to get it done. Would
you agree if I opened issues for each weirdness I'm finding in the
existing CacheStore implementations? I've hit some more in the

Sure. I'm not too enthusiastic about changing the persistence SPI, but we should at least have a discussion on the pros and cons of the choices we are making there.

>> All other JDBC based stores serialize buckets in groups, REST store
>> doesn't do purging, LevelDB also does duplication for the metadata,
>> Cassandra is outdated and doesn't do events on expiry.