On Thu, Mar 8, 2018 at 11:47 AM Bela Ban <belaban@mailbox.org> wrote:

On 08/03/18 10:49, Sebastian Laskawiec wrote:
> Hey Bela,
> I've just stumbled upon this:
> https://coreos.com/os/docs/latest/cluster-discovery.html
> The Etcd folks created a public discovery service. You need to use a
> token and get a discovery string back. I believe that's super, super
> useful for demos across multiple public clouds.

Why? This is conceptually the same as running a GossipRouter on a
public, DNS-mapped, IP address...

The real challenge with cross-cloud clusters is (as you and I
discovered) to bridge the non-public addresses of local cloud members
with members running in different clouds.

I totally agree with you here. It's pretty bad that there is no way for the Pod to learn what is the external Load Balancer address that exposes it. 

The only way I can see to fix this is to write a very small application which will do this mapping. Then the app should use PodInjectionPolicy [1] (or a similar Admission Controller [2]) 

So back to the publicly available GossipRouter - I still believe there is a potential in this solution and we should create a small tutorial telling users how to do it (maybe a template for OpenShift?). But granted - Admission Controller work (the mapper I mentioned the above) is by far more important.

[1] https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/podpreset/
[2] https://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/admission-controllers/

Unless you make all members use public IP addresses, but that's not
something that's typically advised in a cloud env.

> What do you think about that? Perhaps we could implement an ETCD_PING
> and just reuse their service or write our own?

Sure, should be simple. But - again - what's the goal? If
discovery.etcd.io can be used as a public *permanent* discovery service,
yes, cool

You convinced me - GossipRouter is the right way to go here.

> Thanks,
> Seb
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