Hi Sebastian,

2017-07-03 8:24 GMT+02:00 Sebastian Laskawiec <slaskawi@redhat.com>:
Hey Thomas,

Comments inlined.


On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 9:29 PM Thomas SEGISMONT <tsegismont@gmail.com> wrote:
Also, it seems infinispan-cloud 9.0.3.Final depends on JGroups 0.9.1.

Do you plan to release another 9.0.x version which depends on 1.0.0.Beta1 or later? If so, is there a target date?

No, I didn't plan to backport it to 9.0.x branch. The implementation is pretty new and I wanted to play with it a little bit more before make it "stable". 

Could you please tell me why do you need it? 

On Openshift S2I environments, a pod can only expose a predetermined set of ports. Of course the administrator can customize this set, but in some cases (e.g. openshift.io) it is very unlikely that the extra port is added.

2017-06-30 11:40 GMT+02:00 Thomas SEGISMONT <tsegismont@gmail.com>:
Hi everyone,

Thank you for this great work, the dependency diet and the extra port removal are both very useful. The extra port removal is key to enable Vert.x clustering in Openshift S2I environments.

I tried the new KUBE_PING (beta1) with vertx-infinispan and it worked fine. I have a few questions though.

I couldn't configure it with env variables. Before you ask, yes I noticed the name changes ;-) I only had a quick look at JGroups config code but it seems it only resolves system properties. Did it work for you because you tried with an Infinispan server?

Could you please tell me what is the JGroups version you're running on? I think environment variables support requires >= 4.0.3.Final [1].

This explains it. I use the version of JGroups which comes with ISPN 9.0.0.Final (4.0.1.Final)

Since I couldn't configure it externally I had to create a custom JGroups file. Usually, we recommend [1] Vert.x users to add the infinispan-cloud dependency and a system property:

+1, that's the correct way to do it. I think bumping up JGroups version might solve your problem here.

Yes. Upgrading JGroups that solved the issue.

My custom JGroups file is a just a copy of default-configs/default-jgroups-kubernetes.xml in which I added the masterHost and namespace properties.

hmmmm that's odd. Why do you need to change masterHost? The default should be fine in 99% of the use cases. The namespace is a separate thing and in most of the cases a user should set it to his own project.

I needed to set the masterHost via a sysprop as my older version of JGroups wouldn't lookup env vars. With 4.0.3.Final I don't need it anymore.
Is it still recommended to use the default-configs/default-jgroups-kubernetes.xml stack ? Or is any change planned after the KUBE_PING changes?
I wouldn't expect a protocol implementation change to impact a stack configuration but they say there are no stupid questions :)

No no, using default-jgroups-kubernetes.xml is still necessary (and there are no plans to change it in the future). Using specific transport is tied with your deployment model. In most of the cases in Kubernetes and OpenShift you should use KUBE_PING. Your network configuration might support multicasting and then you'd probably need to check if UDP is not performing better. You may also use StatefulSets and try out DNS_PING. 

As you can see there are many different combinations of protocols you might use. Recommending default config shipped with infinispan-cloud is a way to go here in my opinion.

OK. I had no plans to try my own stack for Openshift really :) Just wanted to make sure the new KUBE_PING doesn't impact the infinispan-cloud default Kubernetes stack.

Thank you,

[1] http://vertx.io/docs/vertx-infinispan/java/#_configuring_for_openshift_3

2017-06-15 8:21 GMT+02:00 Sebastian Laskawiec <slaskawi@redhat.com>:
Yep, no problems found!!! 

I had also impression that the new implementation is "faster". Though I haven't measured it... it just my impression.

Awesome work Bela!

On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 7:42 AM Bela Ban <belaban@mailbox.org> wrote:
Thanks, Sebastian!

I assume testing on GKE and minikube/openshift was successful?

On 14/06/17 13:15, Sebastian Laskawiec wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Just a heads up, I've just created a PR that upgrades KUBE_PING to
> 1.0.0.Beta1 [1]. As you probably seen in [2], 1.0.0.Beta1 was completely
> rewritten and might behave slightly differently.
> Here is a summary of changes:
>   * The latest KUBE_PING doesn't require embedded HTTP server for
>     discovery. Thus it is no longer required to expose port 8888 in Pods.
>   * The number of dependencies has been decreased. Currently we only
>     require JGroups and OAuth library.
>   * The new KUBE_PING works only with JGroups 4. There will be no
>     JGroups 3 support.
>   * Some of the environmental variables were shortened and we removed
>     `OPENSHIFT` prefix. So if you use `OPENSHIFT_KUBE_PING_NAMESPACE`,
>     you will need to change it to `KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE`. Please refer
>     to [3] for more information.
> I also switched default branch in Kubernetes Ping repository to master [4].
> Thanks,
> Sebastian
> [1] https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/pull/5201
> [2] http://belaban.blogspot.ch/2017/05/running-infinispan-cluster-with.html
> [3] https://github.com/jgroups-extras/jgroups-kubernetes/blob/master/README.adoc
> [4] https://github.com/jgroups-extras/jgroups-kubernetes
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