I do confirm this behavior.

Transactions and asynchronous updates may seem antagonistic, but they are not on a multi-level cache.
I plan to use a synchronous transactional disk cache and a second non transactional asynchronous s3 cache, to get the best of both worlds.

Since the asynchronous aspect of the s3 cache will not allow me to get any feedback (aka Future), I want it to 'write-behind' in the background (and hope everything goes well).

I will wait for the qi4j v1 release (probably Monday), adapt infinispan to the blobstore of jClouds and take a closer look at this in a couple of weeks. 


On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 12:58 PM, Amin Abbaspour <a.abbaspour@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi All,

Regarding http://community.jboss.org/wiki/Write-ThroughAndWrite-BehindCaching
, Even if Syncer is in Async mode, but if we modify a key inside a
transaction boundary it is always stored synchronously! Why is it so?
How can I have both locking and async store. FYI I use JBossTM

Amin Abbaspour
infinispan-dev mailing list