Great stuff Bela!

Btw, is xsite replication bidirectional? LON has SFO as backup, and SFO also has LON as backup.

On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 8:01 PM, Sanne Grinovero <> wrote:
That was very very nice to see.

Assuming you also asked for feedback to improve this as a talk:

1# you stress several times that reads are going to be local, so very
fast. I think you meant "local to the site" ? as some ~33% of entries
will need to be fetched from peers on the same site.

2# you aren't actually running this on multiple sites are you? When
pointing out the different IP addresses you say something about
needing them to be different, but I didn't understand if you needed
them different because they are in different places, or to separate
otherwise local machines to have them appear as in different places.

3# Since get operations are always local (site), they are as you say
not meaningful for the benchmark; now since put operations are also
not meaningful as it's async .. what is the benchmark measuring?

4# There seems to be some degree of redundancy when explaining
LON/SFO/NYC setting as the local site vs the backup sites. Wouldn't it
make more sense to be able to configure all backup sites the same and
have it automatically ignore the "self" element as a backup site? So
your script would only need to specify what the local site is. If that
makes any sense it would even be nice to extend this to the IP
addresses being defined in the zones area, so that they are applied
both to the JGroups configuration for the local cluster and to the
bridge configuration.

5# I was initially surprised to see x-site configuration as part of a
cache configuration; I understand the reasons for options like
"strategy" which one might want to specify differently on each cache,
but what about "take offline" ? that sounds more something which
should be globally managed at the channel level - not sure if in
JGroups directly but if it's to be handled in Infinispan I would
expect to have all caches use the same policy, consistent with FD.
Also it doesn't looks like you have much of a choice in to which sites
you want to replicate, as relay is setup at the jgroups level so
affecting all caches: is relay going to be ignored by caches having no
x-site enabled? And is it going to be relayed only to one site if the
Infinispan configuration lists a single site?
Not sure if this makes any sense, I just found it contrasting with my
naive expectations of how such a configuration would look like.

thanks a lot, I hope this is proof enough that your video was pretty catchy :)

On 14 December 2012 11:47, Radoslav Husar <> wrote:
> Thanks Bela, I enjoyed the demo!
> I suggest adding some sort of visualization (maybe just a few diagrams
> within the demo) of what is actually happening with the data would help
> understanding for users who are just starting with xsite.
> Rado
> On 14/12/12 12:09, Bela Ban wrote:
>> FYI,
>> I've uploaded a 10-minute video [1] to YouTube showing how I setup and
>> run a perf test for Infinispan xsite replication [2]. The test
>> (including all configuration) is available at [3]. This was run with a
>> snapshot of Infinispan (roughly 5.2.0.Beta6) and JGroups 3.3.0.Alpha1.
>> Enjoy !
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
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