Is there any reason to use synchronization other than "it's faster"? 

IMO, the reasoning for removing synchronizations is the same as item 1 in your proposal, "Async options for commit/rollback".

On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 6:35 PM, Mircea Markus <> wrote:

On Nov 19, 2013, at 4:01 PM, Dan Berindei <> wrote:

> Maybe synchronization support is another thing that we should scrap in 7.0, then?

I'd still allow them (sync enlistment is there for a resaon), but have XA+recovery enabled by default and the batching commit should fail if the tx hasn't completed successfully.

> BTW, I've also seen the transaction timeout that Radim mentioned, but only recently. I wonder if we could do anything to increase it for the stress tests.

Mircea Markus
Infinispan lead (

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