// a typesafe version User $user = $(User.class);Query q0 = from($user).having($user.getName()).eq("John")&nb! sp; & nbsp; .and().having($user.getAddress().getPostCode()).eq("NW123").build(); // non typesafe field referencesQuery q1 = from(User.class).having("name").eq("John").and().having( "surname").eq("Doe").build(); More query samples on github here: https://github.com/anistor/infinispan/blob/t_3169_m/query/src/main/java/org/infinispan/query/sandbox/sample_domain_model/QuerySamples.java This is just an interface sketch, not an implementation. Your thoughts and comments regarding this dsl are very welcome! I'll add all of the above to the wiki too. Cheers