Hello Infinispan experts,


I want to create a cluster of Infinispan which consist of multiple nodes. Then I expect to control the number of instances, so I want some nodes to quid gracefully. After reading the documents, I try cache.stop() to do so. But It seems not work, my application embedded with Infinispan does not terminated. Following is my sample code and result. Please point my mistake if I have. If this is not proper list, please tell me the right one. Thank you very much.


Sample code:

public static void main(String[] args) {



public static void test0() {

        EmbeddedCacheManager manager = new DefaultCacheManager(


                        .transport().addProperty("configurationFile", "jgroups-tcp-x.xml")



                new ConfigurationBuilder()






        Cache<String, String> myCache = manager.getCache("mycache");

        System.out.println("Cache instance started!");


        System.out.println("Cache instance stopped!");




Cache instance started!

Cache instance stopped!

I expected the program terminates here, but it doesn’t.


Best Regards,

Roc Lee