On 14 Aug 2009, at 09:42, Vladimir Blagojevic wrote:

On 13/08/09 5:27 PM, Manik Surtani wrote:

I've mentioned these in a previous email, reiterating here for the record:

1.  XSD should be generated before the test suite is run. Perhaps in the pre-test or post-compile phase.
2.  The code should skip loading the schema if schema validation is disabled, following this algorithm:

validating = system property "infinispan.config.validate", defaults to true.
schema file = system property "infinispan.config.schema", defaults to schemas/infinispan-config-4.0.xsd
schema URL = system property "infinispan.config.schema.url" defaults to http://www.jboss.org/infinispan/infinispan-config-4.0.xsd

if (validating) {
1.  try and load schema file from classpath
2.  else, try and load schema file on file system
3.  else, try and load from schema URL
4.  else, throw an exception!

3.  The unit test suite should *not* attempt to skip schema validation.  This will, on one level, test schema validation code, and on another, ensure all sample cfg files we ship with are valid.
4.  We should document the above system properties.  Javadoc for Configuration could be one place, but also on the wiki.

Ok let me get this right this time. We should keep both static factories in Infinispan configuration, right? The first one where only configuration file reference is provided and the other where both configuration and schema file reference are provided. Call them factory 1 and factory 2 respectively.

Now, for factory 1, you are saying that even though schema reference is not provided the above mentioned schema lookup algorithm would be run? What about factory 2? Should only provided reference be looked up and/or if it fails should the default be looked up? Or should we just have a factory without possibility to provided reference for schema file?

Is there some JBoss standard to follow?

Let me know

Hmm, no I didn't mean > 1 factory.  Quite simply, DefaultCacheManager:210 could do something like:

initialize(InfinispanConfiguration.newInfinispanConfiguration(configurationFile, InfinispanConfiguration.locateSchema()));

and InfinispanConfiguration.locateSchema() would follow a few simple steps in trying to locate a schema:

1.  Initialise system vars: validating = system property "infinispan.config.validate", defaults to true.  schema file = system property "infinispan.config.schema", defaults to schemas/infinispan-config-4.0.xsd.  schema URL = system property "infinispan.config.schema.url" defaults to http://www.jboss.org/infinispan/infinispan-config-4.0.xsd

2.  if ! validating, return null.
3.  if (stream = FileLookup.lookupFile(schema file) != null) return stream
4.  if (stream = new URL(schema url).openStream() != null) return stream
5.  return null

Manik Surtani
Lead, Infinispan
Lead, JBoss Cache