With the upcoming transcoding support [1], each cache will have a MimeType configured for key and value. This will allow, for example, to
differentiate from a byte[] that is a JPEG image, a gzipped text, some UTF-8 bytes, Jboss marshalled object, protostream marshalled message and so on.
At runtime, it'll be possible to read and write to/from the cache specifying a different MimeType and the appropriate transcoder will convert the values on demand.


[1] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-7417

On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 9:27 AM, Sebastian Laskawiec <slaskawi@redhat.com> wrote:
Hey Guys!

I'm currently reworking REST interface and I'm scratching my head looking how we deal with Serializable [1][2]. 

The scenario assumes that server knows that cache stores a Serializable instance and moreover, it knows how to deserialize it (and convert it to XML/JSON, but that's the trivial part). I might be wrong, but I think both assumptions are questionable if not wrong. At first, how to distinguish a serialized instance of a class the server received [3] from a standard byte array? I can imagine someone using "Content-type: application/x-java-serialized-object" but it's very error prone. It also leads to the question number two - how the server will know that type of instance it is? This knowledge is essential for deserialization.

I think the serialization/deserialization should be really done on the client side (but as I mentioned before, maybe I don't see some important use cases). I would like to remove it from refactored REST server.

What do you think?





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