
I'm Sunimal Rathnayake from University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. 
You might be familiar with me since I worked for Infinispan during GSoC 2012 [1] and developed a .NET client library for Hot Rod protocol which was supervised by Mircea Markus.
I was able to develop the library upto Intelligence Level 2 (Topology Aware Client) and we released beta1 version[2].

This summer also, I'm interested in contributing to Infinispan as a GSoC intern.

When I went through the ideas list[3] I found out that the project I did last summer (.NET Hot Rod Client) is still available for selection. Does this mean improving on the work I did last year[4] to develop an advanced client? or doing it from the scratch once again? 


Sunimal Rathnayake


Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Sri Lanka