On 8 Jan 2010, at 15:07, Vladimir Blagojevic wrote:

Hey Bryan,

On 2010-01-08, at 1:35 PM, Bryan Thompson wrote:

Reading the paper, it appears that my suggestion of segments is called "distributed locks" in this paper and the authors suggests:
> For example, the algorithms that need to detect sequence of accesses cannot retain their performance advantages when pages in the same sequence have been distributed into multiple partitions and cannot be identified as a sequence.

Indeed, but this sequence access seems to be important for subgroup of algorithms like SEQ. To be honest, when I first read the paper I was surprised by the authors claim that batching does not affect precision of LIRS and LRU. LIRS and LRU need order of access too by it seems that approximated access is not affecting precision significantly. 

Along the same lines we have to figure out if segmenting and batching per segment is going to affect algorithm precision overall. If someone can prove that this is dead end please argue your point :) Otherwise, intuitively speaking, I cannot see how batching per segment would suddenly make LIRS imprecise if batching did not do so in the first place.

In general, lack of precision should not be a concern.  In a tradeoff between precision and performance/throughput, precision ought to lose.


Manik Surtani
Lead, Infinispan
Lead, JBoss Cache