I thought this JEP was (sort of) relevant to this discussion: http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/189

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 10:10 AM, Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel@hibernate.org> wrote:

On 15 Jan 2014, at 18:51, cotton-ben <ben.cotton@ALUMNI.RUTGERS.EDU> wrote:

Nice!  The consequences of our *necessarily* staying on-heap has been a
"monstrous" experience for us (see

As Tristan hinted, can share (worse case privately) the reasons that lead to that horrific experience? This would be very useful to the infinispan team to better shape and explain the off-heap approach. Off-heap does come with non trivial drawbacks around manual garbage collection and memory fragmentation (at least when the data is not homogeneous).


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Antoine de Saint Exupéry