Mircea, I think I'm missing something here. Why would the originator send a TxCompletionNotificationCommand at all if the commit command was asynchronous?

I don't think recovery should require the originator to send a TxCompletionNotificationCommand. Our commit commands can't fail anyway, so the only way for a transaction to become in-doubt would be if the cache crashed before sending the command. (Or maybe if another resource's commit phase failed.)


On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 5:06 PM, Mircea Markus <mmarkus@redhat.com> wrote:
Thanks again for nice explanation Jonathan!
@Pedro - seems like you're doing the right thing by encouraging people to be properly paranoid :-)
Otherwise we'd leak tx logs (in infinispan parlance the PrepareCommands in the recovery cache) which would not be nice.

On 15 May 2013, at 13:32, Jonathan Halliday <jonathan.halliday@redhat.com> wrote:

> No, it's out of scope for the TM, at least as far as the JTA/XA specs
> are concerned. The TM would not retain any txlog information to allow it
> to perform useful recovery anyhow.   Usually you just log it in the hope
> a human notices and sorts out the mess.  Of course properly paranoid
> humans don't use async commit in the first place.
> There has been various talk around making JTA TM.commit() support an
> async callback, such that the business logic thread can continue as soon
> as the prepare phase is successful, whilst still receiving a callback
> handler invocation if the commit phase subsequently fails. Extending
> that to the XA protocol would be nice, but won't happen as there is no
> upward (RM->TM) communication in XA - it's all driven top down.  So as
> you point out, adding the failed tx to the in-doubt list is the only way
> of signalling a problem. That's bad, since you'd also need a positive
> 'it worked' callback in the proto to allow GC of the txlog, otherwise
> you have to throw away the log eagerly and can't then do anything useful
> with the subsequent error callback anyhow.
> Associated with that discussion is the expectation around the semantics
> of afterCompletion, which may mean 'after successful prepare' or 'after
> successful commit' in such case, the latter effectively removing the
> need for a new JTA callback api in the first place.
> If you don't need a callback at all, then there is already an async
> commit option in the TM config, it's just non-standard and marginally
> dangerous. It simply logs commit phase failures and hopes a human notices.
> Jonathan.
> On 05/15/2013 01:13 PM, Mircea Markus wrote:
>> Hi Jonathan,
>> In the scope of ISPN-3063 [1] we came to a problem we need some advice on :-)
>> Would a transaction manager expect/handle this situation: for a transaction the commit is successful but at a further point the same transaction would be reported as "in-doubt" to the recovery process. In our case this can happen when we send the commit async and this might only fail after the commit is acknowledged to the TM.
>> [1] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-3063
>> Cheers,
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Mircea Markus
Infinispan lead (www.infinispan.org)

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