On 11.9.2013 19:01, Ray Tsang wrote:

While those are implementation details, I think some adjustment should be allowed for tuning purposes.  There should be some reasonable values.  On the other hand, I think that, for the expiration db directory, and data directory - perhaps we should default somehow.  Eg.,

<leveldb-store path="leveldb-nc"...>...</...>

A data directory can be created in leveldb-nc/data, and expiration directory can be created in leveldb-nc/expired

What do you guys feel?

I think this is a good idea.


On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 5:46 AM, Martin Gencur <mgencur@redhat.com> wrote:
Adding Ray.

Ray, can you please comment on this?


On 11.9.2013 11:34, Martin Gencur wrote:
> Hi,
> let's look at configuration of LevelDB in Infinispan Server:
> https://gist.github.com/mgencur/6520948
> After investigating what the <expiration> configuration element is good
> for, I think it's an implementation detail and should be removed.
> Every time a mortal entry is stored in the cache, it's put (in internal
> format of the cache store - ExpiryEntry) in an expiryEntryQueue whose
> size is specified in the configuration through "queue-size" attribute.
> The path attribute (location of dbExpired) is only used when purge() is
> called on the cache store. At that moment, all entries that are in the
> expiryEntryQueue are flushed into dbExpired (location specified through
> "path"), all the elements from dbExpired are read and if they have
> expiry time shorter than current time, they are removed from the primary
> cache store's location, i.e. they are purged.
> IMO, the location where intermediate (ExpiryEntry) are stored is an
> implementation (users don't have access to it anyway) detail and the
> queue-size attribute is a black-box users will never know how to set it.
> I would suggest hiding these implementation details and simplify the
> configuration. There are way too many configuration elements already.
> Thanks
> Martin
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