Hi all,

I'm really struggling with something in order to finish the compute methods.

I added a test in ClusteredCacheWithElasticsearchIndexManagerIT

public void testToto() throws Exception {
SearchManager searchManager = Search.getSearchManager(cache2);
QueryBuilder queryBuilder = searchManager
Query allQuery = queryBuilder.all().createQuery();

String key = "newGoat";
Person person4 = new Person(key, "eats something", 42);

cache2.putIfAbsent(key, person4);
StaticTestingErrorHandler.assertAllGood(cache1, cache2);

List<Person> found = searchManager.<Person>getQuery(allQuery, Person.class).list();
assertEquals(1, found.size());
I put some logs in the processPutKeyValueCommand method in the QueryInterceptor to explain what is happening.

2 threads
Sometimes two threads get involved. 

= Thread 72 First (or second) call 
It happens from a non local Node. The so the shouldModifyIndexes says "no, you should not modify any index" because the IndexModificationStrategy is set to "LOCAL ONLY". [1]

72 ctx.getOrigin() = ClusteredCacheWithElasticsearchIndexManagerIT-NodeB-19565
72 should modify false
72 previousValue null
72 putValue Person{name='newGoat', blurb='eats something', age=42, dateOfGraduation=null} // value in the command
72 contextValue Person{name='newGoat', blurb='eats something', age=42, dateOfGraduation=null} //value in the invocation context

= Thread 48 Second (or first) call
the origin is null, and this is considered as a LOCAL in the SingleKeyNonTxInvocationContext. [2] In this case, the index is modified correctly, the value in the context has already been set up by the PutKeyValueCommand and the index get's correctly updated.

48 ctx.getOrigin() = null
48 should modify true
48 previousValue null
48 putValue Person{name='newGoat', blurb='eats something', age=42, dateOfGraduation=null}
48 contextValue Person{name='newGoat', blurb='eats something', age=42, dateOfGraduation=null}

And everything is ok. Everything is fine too in the case of a compute method instead of the put method.

But sometimes, this is not executed like that.

3 threads

What is a bit more weird to me is this second scenario where the commands are executed both from non local nodes (A and B). And so the index is not updated.
But  just later, another thread get's involved and calls the QueryInterceptor with a invocation context where the command has not been executed (the value is not inside the context and the debugger does not enter in the perform method, this has happened just twice before). This call is coming like from a callback? in the QueueAsyncInvocationStage.

80 ctx.getOrigin() = ClusteredCacheWithElasticsearchIndexManagerIT-NodeA-65110
80 should modify false
80 prev null
80 putValue Person{name='newGoat', blurb='eats something', age=42, dateOfGraduation=null}
80 contextValue Person{name='newGoat', blurb='eats something', age=42, dateOfGraduation=null}

38 ctx.getOrigin() = ClusteredCacheWithElasticsearchIndexManagerIT-NodeB-35919
38 should modify false
38 prev null
38 putValue Person{name='newGoat', blurb='eats something', age=42, dateOfGraduation=null}
38 contextValue Person{name='newGoat', blurb='eats something', age=42, dateOfGraduation=null}

48 ctx.getOrigin() = null
48 should modify true
48 prev null
48 putValue Person{name='newGoat', blurb='eats something', age=42, dateOfGraduation=null}
48 contextValue null

This execution works perfectly with PutKeyValueCommand. But don't work wth compute.

The "computed value" is not inside the Command like put, replace or others. It is computed in the perform method (if needed). So, the first time the command is executed in A, the computed value is in the context, but the index is not updated. Second call, executed in B, value in context, but the index is not updated. The magic callback is executed, but the computed value is nowhere because the command is not executed a third time, so the context is null.

Can somebody please give me some light on this and explain to me what am I missing ? Other tests are failing for the same problem, like org.infinispan.query.blackbox.ClusteredCacheWithInfinispanDirectoryTest

Thank you very much for your help !


[1] https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/blob/master/query/src/main/java/org/infinispan/query/backend/IndexModificationStrategy.java#L50
[2] https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/blob/master/core/src/main/java/org/infinispan/context/SingleKeyNonTxInvocationContext.java#L39