On 25 Feb 2010, at 11:17, Philippe Van Dyck wrote:

Thanks Manik but it is actually related to the compression of the stored and (https) transferred ones on the S3 side.
The S3 bill is 95% lower here... and https transfer time is lower too (you pay for booth).

Makes sense.  Create a JIRA for this, I'm sure such a feature would be generically useful to others as well - if you're happy to contribute your work back in.  :)

The Marshaller interface is exposing a lot of methods and it looks like the call each other... 

The original Marshaller interface is legacy, from JBoss Cache, which was built as an extension to JGroups' Marshaller interface.  It may look a little confusing as a result, but have a look at the AbstractMarshaller which should help simplify things.  Further, look at the VersionAwareMarshaller, which is the entry point into the marshalling system.



On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 12:11 PM, Manik Surtani <manik@jboss.org> wrote:
If it is compression for transmission you are concerned about, you can do this by adding the JGroups COMPRESS protocol to your JGroups cfg.

On 25 Feb 2010, at 11:02, philippe van dyck wrote:

> Hi All,
> Currently, I compress all data before sending it to the cache. Once compressed, I gain 95% of the JSonized qi4j objects.
> I did some profiling during the load tests and compression is taking roughly 80% of the cpu time.
> So I would like to compress only the data sent to the store, not in memory.
> Looks like the Marshaller is my friend here, and I plan to write a compressing wrapper around it.
> Now, when I look at it, I see two ways to wrap the compression process.
> One way is with the ObjectInput / ObjectOutput but I am bothered by the reentrant flag.
> The other is the ByteBuffer stuff, no concurrency problem here, but it looks like more work.
> WDYT ?
> Cheers,
> phil
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Manik Surtani
Lead, Infinispan
Lead, JBoss Cache

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Manik Surtani
Lead, Infinispan
Lead, JBoss Cache