Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
On Jun 15, 2011, at 21:12, Marius Bogoevici wrote:

As per the discussion that Scott and I had on IRC earlier, I tried to 
summarize the current issues that we encounter outside the confines of 
strict Java EE usage, for non Java EE JPA and native Hibernate 
applications (with Spring apps being a subset of the larger Hibernate 
application set), as well as some possible workarounds and some possible 
solutions - some of these have working prototypes, for some others we 
need to decide the direction in which we want to go (e.g. fail-fast  vs. 
more precise validation vs. runtime failures and so on).

It would be ideal if we could address some of these issues pre-7.0, if 
not, then at least we should have a working plan for 7.1.

Yikes - that's not an encouraging list of issues ;(
If I read this right that makes almost every spring or Hibernate 3/JPA app impossible to deploy - is that correct ?
Well, Java EE JPA1 works ootb.

Spring + Hibernate3 needs to package their own jars  - this affects mostly users that used the Hibernate 3 version packaged on the server.

IMO there is is also an option to have a Hibernate 3 module.
Hibernate 3 without JPA just using hbm.xml seems then to be the most portable option or will that fail too ? :)

Anything I can do to help solve these ? (and no I can't fix the issue at its core, but I can help test if needed)

I'm all ears since if that thread is true then a lot users will have a very hard time getting started with AS7.