
thanks to the input from Stewart I could resolve the blocking osgi issue that caused error logs at framework activation and failing test deployments. [AS7-5365] Intermittent failure due to missing OSGi service

I rebased the large set of functionality and bug fixes on top of that. Could you please review and get back to me if there should be any issues.

[AS7-5405] Initial Enterprise OSGi JPA implementation
[AS7-5139] Allow @Resource injection for OSGi components
[AS7-5486] Cannot access resources from OSGi WebApp with *.jar extension
[AS7-5481] No web context created for OSGi WebApp with *.jar extension
[AS7-5453] Server restart fails with persistent WAB deployment
[AS7-5469] Initial capabilities may not resolve
[AS7-5066] Allow REST deployments as OSGi bundles
[AS7-5430] Add support for Bundle redeployment
[AS7-5364] Allow WebService deployments as OSGi bundles


PS: For some PRs GitHub lists commits that are already in master, which makes it difficult to see the real diff.