Brian Stansberry píše v Pá 10. 02. 2012 v 23:06 -0600:
All developers.
Ok then - let me ask here :)

When you find time, please share your ideas.

- Unclear "ownership" of resources
- Missing/confusing exception/assertion messages
- Missing/obsolete description of the "contract" of the test in javadoc
- Too much copy & paste?
- Lack of docs on how to do X?


On 2/10/12 11:01 PM, Ondřej Žižka wrote:
> Hi all,
> who (which group of people) were maintaining the AS tetsuite?
> All developers? Or few dedicated? Support guys? Or random passers-by? :)
> I'd like to discuss their experience with that, and ideas about how to
> make that as easy as possible and how to prevent problems they had.
> Thx,
> Ondra
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