Brian Stansberry píše v Čt 09. 02. 2012 v 12:22 -0600:
On 2/9/12 11:50 AM, Ondřej Žižka wrote:
> Well, non-Arq tests know what server they communicate to, so they should
> use the same values.

What same values?
Oh, I see what I mean. So yes, system props are the answer:
Normally,  Arq takes the sys props passed to it from maven -> surefire -> junit.
For non-Arq tests, they need to read these system properties "manually".

I will document these props in   tmrw or during next week.

> For tests that need to access the server prior to deployment - depends
> on what kind of access would they need. Managememt? I may pass the IP
> and mgmt port to tests as an additional system property.

Management is the case I know of. For example, setting up a security 
domain or something that the deployment requires. System properties 
would be fine; that's how it was done in AS 3,4,5,6. I figure that's the 
answer to my "What same values?" question above.


> Ondra
> Brian Stansberry píše v Čt 09. 02. 2012 v 11:07 -0600:
>> On the JIRA, please document how to get the appropriate configuration
>> element from the test environment for situations where
>> @ArquillianResource won't work. For example, non-Arquillian tests, and
>> tests that need to access the server prior to deployment.
>> On 2/9/12 10:42 AM, OndřejŽižka wrote:
>> >  Hi,
>> >
>> >
>> >  I'd like to ask everyone to fix"their"  tests regarding $SUBJ.
>> >  E.g. this is not acceptable:
>> >  ModelControllerClient client =
>> >  ModelControllerClient.Factory.create(InetAddress.getByName(""),
>> >  9999, getCallbackHandler());
>> >  or
>> >  MBeanServerConnection mbeanServer = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(new
>> >  JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:remoting-jmx://")).getMBeanServerConnection();
>> >
>> >  Such like these MUST be rewritten to fetch the addresses and ports from
>> >  an injected @ArquillianResource.
>> >
>> >  Here's a tracking jira:
>> >  Empty so far. Next week, I'll start going through the tests looking for
>> >  such cases, and fixing them. Or, creating jiras and assigning them to
>> >  the test authors.
>> >  That's why I hope this call to action will relieve me from most of that
>> >  tedious work :)
>> >
>> >
>> >  Thanks for cooperation.
>> >  Ondra
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >  _______________________________________________
>> >  jboss-as7-dev mailing list
>> >  <>
>> >