In addition to that, the app server comes with a set of quickstarts that not only help you get going with common use cases, but they also allow you to explores the EE APIs such as EJB.
As Cheng pointed, WF 8 is using EJB3.2, you can get it here: http://wildfly.org/downloads/
Both the app server binaries and the quick starts source code are available there.

With respect to tooling, you can download our eclipse based JBoss Developer Studio which includes WTP for our app servers along with projects templates, etc...
Latest version is 7.1 : https://devstudio.jboss.com/earlyaccess/7.1.0.GA.html


On 6/01/2014, at 12:32 pm, Cheng Fang <cfang@redhat.com> wrote:

That will be JBoss AS 7.x, which implements Java EE 6 (EJB 3.1 is part of Java EE 6).  You may also want to try the newer version, WildFly 8.0, which implements Java EE 7 and thus EJB 3.2.


On 1/4/14, 9:28 AM, Varuna Seneviratna wrote:

What is the JBoss Application Server version that comply with Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1 and How Do I find that out? I bought "Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1" by Andrew Rubinger and I want to use JBoss AS to run the examples in it so for that which version of JBoss AS is appropriate


Thanks Varuna

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