On 01/13/2012 07:20 AM, Ondrej Zizka wrote:
Hi all,

when I use various tools to manipulate AS jars, this happens with IronJacamar jars:

Caused by: java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid entry compressed size (expected 576 but got 577 bytes)
        at java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream.closeEntry(ZipOutputStream.java:206)
        at com.vladium.emma.instr.InstrProcessorST.writeZipEntry(InstrProcessorST.java:838)
        at com.vladium.emma.instr.InstrProcessorST$EntryWriteJob.run(InstrProcessorST.java:905)
        at com.vladium.emma.instr.InstrProcessorST.drainJobQueue(InstrProcessorST.java:943)
        at com.vladium.emma.instr.InstrProcessorST.handleArchiveEnd(InstrProcessorST.java:353)
        ... 5 more

How are they packaged? Some special buggy tool?

It prevents me from preparing coverage reports, both Emma and JaCoco are affected.

  Ironjacamar using ant + ivy as building tool, there is no special in the "<jar" task.

  Does all IronJacamar jars have this problem? Would you please ignore all IronJacamar jars for now to see whether your tool can pass?
Lin Gao


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