is a good site for figuring out this sort of thing. In this case I think you are probably after the aether-api artefact:


On 26/07/2011, at 5:51 AM, Scott Marlow wrote:

On 07/15/2011 08:50 AM, Karel Piwko wrote:
Hi All,

see comments inline.


On Fri, 2011-07-15 at 01:19 -0400, Scott Marlow wrote:
We already include org.hibernate:hibernate-core:jar:4.0.0.Beta1 and I
want to test against org.hibernate:hibernate-core:jar:3.6.4.Final.

It is possible that the org.hibernate:hibernate-core:jar:3.6.4.Final
artifact will not be in the local maven repo, when the unit test starts.
  If the ShrinkWrap maven resolver would download it into the local
maven cache, we should get good enough performance (similar to if the
artifact was downloaded during the build).

MavenDependencyResolver will act exactly that way, if the local
repository contains the artifact, it will be fetched from there, if not
remote repositories will be touched.

I tried calling
from an existing AS7 testsuite test but got a CNFE on class

as7/tools/maven/lib/aether-api-1.9.jar seems to have this class.  Which
pom.xml do I need to update for ShrinkWrap to have access to aester api?

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