You are absolutely right!

Don't know how I slipped that one... and how come testsuite did not catch this.

Same as for web also goes for infinispan and jgroups.

This 3 subsystems only have msc dependencies to threads subsystem...

I think we can revisit this for AS8, aka make it the same way as jca & ejb3 use this.


On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Andrig Miller <> wrote:
Actually the thread subsystem is needed to be able to create a sane thread pool for JBoss Web.  You cannot rely on its internal thread pool implementation to get a properly configured thread pool.  You must use its "executor" attribute, and define a thread pool in the thread subsystem.

This CANNOT BE REMOVED, its absolutely critical.


From: "Tomaž Cerar" <>
To: "JBoss AS7 Development" <>
Sent: Friday, February 1, 2013 8:42:09 AM
Subject: [jboss-as7-dev] Removing thread subsystem


Threads subsystem has not been directly used since 7.1.0.CR1.
see for more details.

The only usage we have is that EJB3 & JCA subsystems use some common code from threads subsystem (parser & few RD) but beyond that subsystem is unused aka we could remove ThreadExtension and everything would still work.

And ever since there was no need for thread subsystem enabled/deployed in configuration but we still had it in all our default shipped configs.

I would like to remove it from our default shipped configurations as it does not effect any functionality.

Also I have introduced option to "deprecate" extension, so it now logs warning when such extension is registered (aka is found in configuration)

As goes for compatibility issues in mixed-domain this change does not effect 7.1.0+/EAP6 as they can properly operate without this subsystem.

It looks like that we removed usage of Threads subsystem in 7.1.0.CR1 but forgot to remove it from shipped configurations.

my current effort at this can be found at
(there is lots of removed redundant & old style tests)


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