Am 28.02.2013 um 22:05 schrieb Bill Burke <>:

For example, if I want to turn the current security context into a token
that contains digitally signed identity and permissions, the
aforementioned interfaces don't really have anything defined that allow
me to get at this information.

This is not true :-)
You add your own Principal(s) "yoursprincipal"  to existing principals in Subject.
Principal(s) would contain yours contains digitally signed identity and permissions.


This is usually done, by JAAS login Modul  during user authentication ( you can have many at the same time, this is how whole Domain Security works in AS 7 … ) You can have another jass login Modul which just appends authorisation infos similar way...

As far as JAAS goes, the fact that it is completely stateless or backed
by a component model makes it impossible to use even in-VM.  You can't
pre-initialize or pool DB or HTTP connections.  You can pre-load or
initialize keys or other configuration information.

Any authentication inside of AS7 (  this applies also to http logins using valves ) triggers JAAS login… see source code picketbox.

Radek Rodak

On 2/28/2013 1:30 PM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
The Problem
In order to support all the Java EE 7 requirements, we need to be able
to propagate security context in a predictable and uniform manner.
Unfortunately, we have almost as many security context concepts as we do
projects which support authentication.  There is no single way to
execute a task given a security context snapshot from another thread
that will work for all of our projects.

Project-Specific Security Context
The typical implementation of a project-specific security context is
just a Subject, cached into a ThreadLocal and available via some
accessors.  In addition we have the SecurityRolesAssociation concept
from PicketBox, which is meant to encapsulate roles from an EE perspective.

Available Mechanisms
A number of mechanisms are provided by the JDK and the EE SDK
specifically for addressing this problem domain.  Here's a quick review
so we are all speaking the same language.
The focal point for security in both SE and EE is the Subject class,
which is an encapsulation of related information for a security entity,
including credentials (passwords, keys, etc.) and identities (user/group
names, roles, etc.).  Most (not all) of our security-aware projects
already seem to use Subject, though they may not all be using it in the
same way.

Subject has some utility methods which are intended to allow association
with the current security context.  With these methods you can run tasks
as different Subjects.  We currently do not support these methods.
The base interface for an identity.  Though there are no specific
supported implementations for EE use cases, this interface would be the
base for user names, group names, role names, and so on.  JDK Principal
implementations do exist for filesystem users and groups, certificate
signers and principals, JMX authenticated identities, etc. ("ACC")
This is *the* JDK-provided security context.  It represents the
accumulated privileges of "protection domains", which can in turn
correspond to principals, permissions, and/or code sources (i.e. JARs).
  A given ACC, in simplified terms, represents the *intersection* of
privileges granted by all the invocations on the call stack.

It gets a bit complex once you plumb the depths but imagine ACC
conceptually like a second execution stack.  Every time you call into
another module, you push another layer on the stack which includes that
module's permission set (which is AllPermission by default, but can be
restricted on a per-module basis).  This also includes calling into
deployments.  You can also push a Subject on to this stack using

It is worth emphasizing that the effective permission set for an ACC is
the intersection of all of its parts, so the more calls you make, the
more restricted your permissions are.  This is why we use
AccessController.doPrivileged*() and/or Subject.doAsPrivileged(): it
"clears" the stack for the duration of the invocation, adding only the
module which hosts the Privileged*Action class being executed (and
optionally the given Subject as well).  This becomes important when you
consider that in many cases, you have no idea under what context a given
piece of code will be run, thus you cannot be certain whether a
restricted operation will succeed without using doPrivileged().

Perhaps the canonical case of this is class initialization.  Common
sense would seem to imply that classes should always be initialized in a
privileged context, but that does not seem to be the case in reality.
Thus class init is often stuck with awkward doPrivileged constructs,
especially when field init is involved.

A Unified Security Context
The ACC affords us a uniquely suited mechanism for security association.
  Subjects are already designed to be connected into ACCs; in fact, you
can query an ACC for its associated Subject with a simple get.  In turn
the Subject can be queried for its Principals and credentials.

This also gives us saner integration with JAAS, to the extent that such
sanity is possible; users can use the returned Subject with
Subject.doAs() and get the results they would expect in any situation.

Finally ACC is in the JDK - any third-party security-aware framework is
much more likely to integrate with ACC and Subject than with some
framework provided by us.  And, the JDK security manager framework is
ready to handle it, so a user security policy could for example forbid
certain Subjects from performing operations as an additional security layer.

Getting the Current Subject
To get the current subject you can do something like this:

    Subject current = Subject.getSubject(AccessController.getContext());

This will work from any context - though there is a permission check
involved so a security action is in order in this case.

Propagation Within the AS
We need to do in-system propagation of security context in a few
situations.  The predominant one (to me) is using JSR-236 thread pools -
tasks submitted by an EE component must run under the same security
context that the submitter holds.

Fortunately propagation of this nature is quite simple: use
AccessController.getContext() to acquire the current security context,
and use AccessController.doPrivileged() to resume.

Propagation to other components (e.g. EJBs) is a little different
though.  In this case you do not want the baggage of the caller ACC; you
only need to preserve the caller Subject.  In this case, you would
acquire the Subject as above, and the security interceptor would simply
use Subject.doAs() to resume.

Propagation Over the Network
It should be possible to use Principal information stored on the Subject
in combination with private credentials to provide all the information
required for network propagation of security context.  This should work
particularly well with the Remoting authentication service in particular.

One Step Farther: ACC-Based Permission Checking
It is possible to take this idea a little farther and introduce
permission checking for JACC-style permissions based on the ACC.  Using
ACC.checkPermission we can do permission checking regardless of the
presence or absence of a SecurityManager.  However, it is not clear what
benefits we would derive from this move (if any).

Costs and Alternatives
ACC is not free.  It's a fairly heavyweight structure (though it does
make certain optimizations in some cases), and it contains what is
probably more information than is strictly necessary as it is designed
for full-bore SecurityManager sandboxing and permission checking.  Thus
it is worth exploring alternatives.

Alternative: Central Security Context
Alternative #1 is to support a central security context represented by a
Subject in one place which all frameworks and libraries share.

Pros: lightweight (as much as possible anyway); conceptually simple
Cons: not compatible Subject.doAs or AccessController.doPrivileged;
additional dependency for all security-aware frameworks; third-party
stuff is less likely to just work

Alternative: ???
Add your ideas here!

I think, barring any major dissent, we should make a move towards using
ACC as a unified security context.  I think that given the EE 7 security
manager requirements and user requests over time, that standardizing
around ACC makes sense.

Discussion: go!

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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