While integrating EJB3 service into current AS trunk, I noticed that if a Component's service (or any service in general) has unresolved dependencies, although the service stays in DOWN state (as expected), no error is reported and the deployment does *not* fail. As a side effect of this, a runtime invocation on the service (a InitialContext.lookup() leading to the ServiceReferenceObjectFactory.getObjectInstance() in this case) ended up hanging indefinitely http://pastebin.com/jK0i1aCi

To debug this, I had to use jconsole and then get a list of all the services, their dependencies and the state and then figure out what's missing:

Service "jboss.deployment.unit.ejb3-example.jar.component.SimpleStatelessSessionBean" (class org.jboss.as.ee.component.service.ComponentService) mode ACTIVE state DOWN (dependencies: jboss.naming.context.java.module.ejb3-example.jar, jboss.naming.context.java.app.ejb3-example.jar, jboss.naming.context.java.comp.ejb3-example.jar.SimpleStatelessSessionBean, jboss.naming.context.java.global."ejb3-example/SimpleStatelessSessionBean!org.jboss.as.demos.ejb3.archive.SimpleStatelessSessionLocal") (has missing dependency)

Shouldn't a unresolved dependency on a service result in deployment failure?
