Administration And Configuration Guide ====================================== // PREFACE * What this Book Covers * About JBoss - About Open Source - About Red Hat - How to Contribute // CHAPTER * Introduction - What is JBoss Application Server - What is JBoss Enterprise Application Server - What is New ? - Compatibility Statement * Getting Started - Download - Requirements - Installation - Distribution layout - Running - Standalone - Domain * Architecture - Overall - Standalone vs. Domain - Kernel - Classloading * Configuration - Introduction - Profiles - Interfaces - Management interfaces - Socket bindings - System properties - Data Sources - Deployment Scanner - Enterprise Edition (EE) - Enterprise JavaBean 3 (EJB3) - Infinispan - Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) - Java Connector Architecture (JCA) - Java Management Extension (JMX) - Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) - JacORB - Messaging - Naming - Open Services Gateway initiative (OSGi) - Remoting - Resource Adapters - Sar - Security - Threads - Transactions - Web - Web Services - Weld * Deployment - Introduction - Standalone - Domain - Enterprise Archive (EAR) - Java Archive (JAR) - Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) - Resource Adapter Archive (RAR) - Service Archive (SAR) - Web Archive (WAR) * Management - Command line client - Protocol - Web console * Performance tuning - JVM // APPENDIX * DataSources - DB2 - Derby - H2 - MSSQL - MySQL - Oracle - PostgreSQL