On Apr 12, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Jim Tyrrell wrote:

My thought would be:

If there are 10-20 items probably an alphabetized list.

If you do categories as talked about below, a search feature should be available like the new in Eclipse to quickly drill into the sub groups to find your section.  ie ones integration is another persons core..ie I could see a datasource being in both, until I "know" where it is.

that's something we can consider.

Do you envision this list being customer modifiable ala the JMX console, in that any arbitrary JMX like bean or whatever we call it can be loaded?

not directly. there will however be the ability to disable subsystems.
in that case they will not show up. but it's a general management use case available
across API entrypoints and not specific to the console.

Jim Tyrrell
Senior JBoss Solutions Architect

thanks for your feedback

Did you see RHT on CNBC's Mad Money?

On Apr 12, 2011, at 12:43 AM, Heiko Braun wrote:

Thanks Jesper.

I completely agree. Not sure if sorting helps though.
I was thinking about grouping the items by topics instead:

- Integration (Datasource, Resource Adapters)
- Messaging (JMS, HornetQ, etc)
- Core (Threads, TX, Remoting, Naming)
- Container (EJB, Weld, etc)
- Security
- Web (JBossWeb, JAX-RS, WS)

The list of topics is subject to change. But something along these lines.


On Apr 12, 2011, at 8:30 AM, Heiko Braun wrote:

Hey Ike,

I think it would be easier to navigate the UI if the entries under "Profiles"
were sorted.

So "arquillian" first, and "weld" last.

I always have to scan the entire list for "datasources"... well, until I hit
the entry ;)

btw, I don't if there are any "508 requirements" for this - Shelly would know

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