
Endless loop at AS server startup

reply from Ales Justin in JBoss Microcontainer Development - View the full discussion

The cache may have side effects because the code in #4 and #5 is not always executed when a client calls #3.


Could you please review carefully or alternatively change the algorithm so it becomes usable for large sets of reqs/caps and mods.

Adding this patch doesn't change AS boot time in measurable way, at least not for default and all.

This is expected, since basic AS deployments don't have any explicit requirements,

hence no RequirementDependencyItems are created --> nothing to resolve.


    * Create the dependencies for the module
   protected void createDependencies()
      ControllerState classLoaderState = getClassLoaderState();
      List<Requirement> requirements = getRequirements();
      if (requirements != null)

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