
domain.xml work

reply from David Lloyd in Management Development - View the full discussion

David Lloyd wrote:


In addition, the presence of an EAR deployment in the domain implies that the appropriate subsystems must be made available in order to start the domain.

For example, Imagine the simple case of an EJB deployment.  Making an EJB available remotely would imply that the remoting service is required.  Thus we should have a default configuration which creates the remoting endpoint and adds the EJB service with no

XML, but only when an EJB deployment occurs.  Instead this configuration is implied (in a well-defined, deterministic way) by the node name, the services being deployed, and possibly host-specific mapping of service to IP address.  In today's world, the Remoting Endpoint can't exist (and thus can't be used for built-in services) unless it is explicitly defined.


In the doman model, the definition can be implied, but can be overrideable by way of explicit configuration.  The service need not exist in reality until it is required by a subsystem (like EJB, JNDI, or JSR-160) or user deployment (like a custom user service).

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