
default values in domain management

reply from Alexey Loubyansky in Management Development - View the full discussion

David Lloyd wrote:

Alexey Loubyansky wrote:


By property/value duplication I didn't mean it as a requirement for all the properties. But it will be the case for those that are overriden in domain.xml. It's not so much a value duplication but the property config duplication which won't be in sync (between the domain.xml and the deployment descriptors) which is a bit confusing.

What do you mean by "in sync" in this case?  One would only override a configuration property if there was a deployment to override.  I imagine that any overriding properties in the domain.xml file that pertain to a specific deployment will be children of an element which defines that deployment, so if there's no such element, there's no such deployment, and such an element can't exist without the deployment being present.

I simply mean that there will be two values for the property: one in the deployment descriptor (i.e. the default one) and one in the domain.xml (the actual one).

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