JBPM 5.4 full installer is coming with H2 database, which is in memory database. It is ok for demo purpose only and but cann't be used for realistic application.
When I am connecting it to the mysql (version 5.2) database by reading instruction from
- 1. (http://docs.jboss.org/jbpm/v5.4/userguide/ch.installer.html#d0e884 instruction are @ this link are incomplete and mismatching with the actual installer which has wasted a lot of time :( and
- 2. https://community.jboss.org/wiki/SetUpJBPM54FinalInstallerToUseMySQL-OrHowToRunSection37OfTheUserGuide?_sscc=t
According to the instruction we need to create two database schema (Jbpm5 and Task) which will get automatically populated through hibernate when application deployed on jboss server. But when I am doing it only jbpm5 gets populated, but task DB get remains empty. I tried it hundreds of time by doing many changes in the configurations, but it’s not working and I think, due to this, human tasks are not getting assigned to any user or group through JBPM console.
Please help