JBoss Community

Updates for October 3 - October 10

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2.0.4.FINAL: weld-se.jar should not include slf4j-simple new activity by Tony Lam , Martin Kouba
This week in JBoss (10 October 2013): JBoss Nobel Prize new activity by Eric D. Schabell
Arquillian-Droidum-Web throws an exception during startup about property names new activity by Karel Piwko , Alex Soto , Stefan Miklosovic
Module based applications affect each other new activity by michael-s
how many a4j:push we can use in one page? new activity by Brian Leathem , liumin hu , Lukáš Fryč
Parse Error in JBoss new activity by Barsha Bajaj , Tomaz Cerar
jbpm-human-task-war-5.4 and LDAP - questions Re "Administrator" user... new activity by Keith West , Maciej Swiderski
Detect MDB connection failure new activity by seacuke23
[announce] a byteman rule packager new activity by Andrew Dinn , Jean-Louis Pasturel
Website FAQ new activity by Libor Krzyžanek

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testing the new list server was viewed 13,220 times and replied to by 3 people

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