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secureResponse called before service invocation instead of after

created by arjan tijms in PicketBox Development - View the full discussion

WebJASPIAuthenticator in JBoss AS 7.1.1 and JBoss EAP 6.0.1 calls secureResponse right after validateRequest on a SAM has been called. The only intermediate code is registering the result of the callback handler with the container. The service invocation (e.g. calling a Servlet) is done afterwards, ie after the call to secureResponse.


See the following fragment:



    if (sam != null) {
            result = sam.isValid(messageInfo, clientSubject, messageLayer, appContext, cbh);
        // the authentication process has been a success. We need to register the principal, username, password and roles
        // with the container
        if (result) {
            PasswordValidationCallback pvc = cbh.getPasswordValidationCallback();
            CallerPrincipalCallback cpc = cbh.getCallerPrincipalCallback();
            // get the client principal from the callback.
            Principal clientPrincipal = cpc.getPrincipal();
            if (clientPrincipal == null) {
                clientPrincipal = new SimplePrincipal(cpc.getName());
            // if the client principal is not a jboss generic principal, we need to build one before registering.
            if (!(clientPrincipal instanceof JBossGenericPrincipal))
                clientPrincipal = this.buildJBossPrincipal(clientSubject, clientPrincipal);
            this.register(request, response, clientPrincipal, authMethod, pvc.getUsername(),
                    new String(pvc.getPassword()));
            if (this.secureResponse)
                sam.secureResponse(messageInfo, new Subject(), messageLayer, appContext, cbh);


However, section of the JSR 196 (JASPIC) spec says that the semantics of secureResponse are as defined in Section, which thus means that secureResponse should be called after a service invocation. Figure 1.1 in Section 1.1 shows this as well, and the general flow as described is Section 3.8 also mentions this.


So, in JBoss the sequence is


validateRequest -> secureResponse -> Invoke Service


While the spec seems to say it should be:


validateRequest -> Invoke Service -> secureResponse


In the reference implementation GlassFish the sequence is indeed the latter one.

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