JBoss Community

Re: Running AS7 embedded in Arquillian

created by Thomas Diesler in JBoss AS7 Development - View the full discussion

Ok, lets talk about this in more detail when you have something that runs and are generally happy with.


I generally think that this

@Dependency("org.jboss.logging"), @Dependency("org.jboss.logmanager")


is evil because results in jboss proprietary manifest headers that also has an equivalent standard, which is Require-Bundle

So instead of putting

Dependencies: org.jboss.logging, org.jboss.logmanager

we could also add


Require-Bundle: org.jboss.logging, org.jboss.logmanager


On the topic on why Require-Bundle is also bad see JBoss AS7 OSGi Integration half way down the page section

3.12.3 Issues With Requiring Bundles


Our demos should show the recommended set of AS7 best practises, so perhaps we need to reach a conclusion on 'Dependencies' vs. 'Require-Bundle' vs. 'Package-Import'


For now I would say that 'Dependencies' does exist and gets processed by the DUP, but we should not promote its usage by introducing an annotation for it. How about requiring the user to explicitly put it in the @Deployment artifact manifest like I do in ModuleAccessesBundleServiceTestCase


   private JavaArchive getClientModuleArchive() throws Exception
      final JavaArchive archive = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "example-xservice-client-module");
      archive.addClasses(EchoInvokerService.class, ClientModuleActivator.class);
      String activatorPath = "META-INF/services/" + ServiceActivator.class.getName();
      archive.addResource(getResourceFile("xservice/client-module/" + activatorPath), activatorPath);
      archive.setManifest(getResourceFile("xservice/client-module/" + JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME));
      return archive;


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