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Developed EJB3 based application that I have placed in JBOSS 7 modules is not being looked up.

created by Satish Mishra in EJB3 Development - View the full discussion

I have created an ejb application  (MyEJB.jar) and placed in JBOSS 7 modules "com.xxx.myejb". Everything is fine module is being loaded. Now there is a war in deployments has a servlet is accessing the jar. The jar is visible (I have made entry of the module in deployment structure file). The servlet calls a method of a class SystemStart.java. Within that method I am invoking ejb already in the jar. initial context is fine but when trying to lookup ejb, it gets failed and throwing NameNotFound exception.


EJB is stateless name CSTimerBean

Local interface name CSTimerLocal


Here is the code-


public static Context getInitialContext() throws NamingException {

            if (initialContext == null) {


              Properties properties = new Properties();




                properties.put("jboss.naming.client.ejb.context", new Boolean(false));

                properties.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.jboss.ejb.client.naming");



                properties.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "jmd");


                properties.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "jmd123");


                System.out.println("initialContext  2"+properties);

                initialContext = new InitialContext(properties);

                System.out.println("initialContext  1");


            return initialContext;



private static String getCSLookupName() {


            String appName = "";



            String moduleName = "UFSwitch";



            String distinctName = "";


            // The EJB bean implementation class name

            String beanName = CSTimerBean.class.getSimpleName();


            // Fully qualified remote interface name

            final String interfaceName = CSTimer.class.getName();


            // Create a look up string name

            String name = "ejb:" + appName + "/" + moduleName + "/" +

                distinctName    + "/" + beanName + "!" + interfaceName;


            return name;




public static CSTimer doCSLookup() {

            Context context = null;

            CSTimer bean = null;

            try {

                // 1. Obtaining Context

                context = GlobalFunctions.getInitialContext();

                System.out.println("String LookupName"+getCSLookupName());

                String lookupName = getCSLookupName();

                // 3. Lookup and cast

                bean = (CSTimer) context.lookup(lookupName);


            } catch (Exception e) {



            return bean;


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