JBoss Community

Re: is Jboss 7.1.0 Final compatible with IPv 6 ?

created by Jason Greene in JBoss AS 7 Development - View the full discussion

fan kam thong wrote:


I try with the latest JDK 1.6 and my Windows specification is Vista Business 32 bit. Are you saying this JRE bug won't happen in Linux ?


That's correct. JBoss AS, and many other projects that use networking code rely on the NIO API in the JDK. The problem is that the Sun/Oracle JDK 6 implementation of NIO does not support IPv6 on Windows. They fixed this finally in JDK7 but have not backported it since it was tied to NIO2. I recommend running AS7 on JDK 7 on Windows if you need IPv6. Othwerise consider switching operating systems for your IPv6 applications.

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