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Single Installation Patching

new comment by Brian Stansberry View all comments on this document

Jeff Mesnil wrote:




I have been working on the patch CLI command to patch an AS7 installation and add to tweak the code related to module to be able to generate a correct patch generated by diffing 2 AS7 installations.


When comparing modules to check whether they have been updated, computing the dir's checksum is not correct:

* Jar files generated during AS7 build can not have the same checksum since the creation date of the class files is store in the jar's zip entries.

=> this concerns AS7's own modules (org/jboss/as/...) and also jandex jars for 3rd party libraries


To circumvent that, instead of computing the SHA-1 of the jar files, I compute the checksum of the file's zip entries name/size/crc (ie I exclude the date metadata).

I also need to exclude some entries from the jar:

* Some java sources are generated at build time (logger and bundle classes) and embed their generation date into the code => the .class files have different size and crc

* META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and pom.properties files also contains the jar creation date => these files have different size and crc




When I replied to this before, I fear I came off more negative about it than I intended.


I don't think it's the right thing to do when generating a cumulative patch.


I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do with no way to turn it off when generating a one-off patch. But I can certainly imagine people preparing those would find it very useful to have a configurable option to do a generate-by-diff patch instead of a specified-content patch without having these kinds of date issues leading to irrelevant stuff ending up in the patch.