JBoss Community

Re: Human Task are not getting assigned

created by Nitin Gupta in jBPM Development - View the full discussion

actually its not related with any process. its giveing problem with almost all process where human task is involve. my first doubt is :


as per the instruction @ http://docs.jboss.org/jbpm/v5.4/userguide/ch.installer.html#d0e659 we need to create two database schema one is jbpm5 and other one is task, in my case only jbpm5 gets popluated, is it ok? task schema remains empty,


what i have notice is configration for task schema is done in jbpm-installer\task-service\resources\META-INF\persistence.xml and when we start demo with ant command (ant start.demo), in the build.xml, it is not executing start.human.task which starts task service, further more in the jbpm-installer\task-service\resources\META-INF\persistence.xml, there is mapping file <mapping-file>META-INF/Taskorm.xml</mapping-file> @ line no 11, but actually this file not exist. when i am trying to execute the following, i am getting this.


d:\JBPM\jbpm-5.4.0.Final-installer-full\jbpm-installer>ant start.human.task

Buildfile: d:\JBPM\jbpm-5.4.0.Final-installer-full\jbpm-installer\build.xml




    [javac] d:\JBPM\jbpm-5.4.0.Final-installer-full\jbpm-installer\build.xml:865

: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=las

t; set to false for repeatable builds

     [java] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation p


     [java]     EntityManagerFactory cannot be resolved to a type

     [java]     Persistence cannot be resolved

     [java]     TaskService cannot be resolved to a type

     [java]     TaskService cannot be resolved to a type

     [java]     SystemEventListenerFactory cannot be resolved

     [java]     TaskServiceSession cannot be resolved to a type

     [java]     User cannot be resolved to a type

     [java]     User cannot be resolved to a type

     [java]     TaskService cannot be resolved

     [java]     User cannot be resolved to a type

     [java]     Group cannot be resolved to a type

     [java]     Group cannot be resolved to a type

     [java]     TaskService cannot be resolved

     [java]     Group cannot be resolved to a type

     [java]     UserGroupCallbackManager cannot be resolved

     [java]     MinaTaskServer cannot be resolved to a type

     [java]     MinaTaskServer cannot be resolved to a type


     [java]     at org.jbpm.DemoTaskService.main(DemoTaskService.java:25)

     [java] Java Result: 1




Total time: 1 second

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