JBoss Community

Setting http client properties for HttpRouter from java code

created by tomas tomas in JBoss ESB Development - View the full discussion

Hi all,


Currently I'm using jbossesb 4.4.


When using xml based configuration I can use the following XML to configure HttpRouter


<action name="httprouter" class="org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.routing.http.HttpRouter">

    <property name="endpointUrl" value="http://localhost:9433/x/y">

        <http-client-property name="file"

            value="/META-INF/HttpRouter.properties" />


    <property name="method" value="POST" /> <!-- Currently only supports GET or POST - easy to add more! -->

    <property name="responseType" value="STRING" /> <!-- Response should be set back on message as STRING or BYTES - default

        STRING -->

    <property name="headers"> <!-- Supports setting of arbitrary request headers -->

        <header name="blah" value="blahval" />





How all this can be done in java code?



ConfigTree c = _config.cloneObj();

c.setAttribute("endpointUrl", "http://localhost:9433/x/y");

c.setAttribute("method", "POST");

c.setAttribute("responseType", "STRING");



??????????? How to set http client properties like connection timeout (http.connection.timeout), socket timeout (http.socket.timeout) and etc..  for HttpRouter?


HttpRouter router = new HttpRouter(c);

Message m = router.process(message);



Thanks in advance!

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