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JBoss AS7 System Properties

new comment by Markus Locher View all comments on this document



when I use the above commands I can create a property called "foo.bar" with value "bar". I can successfully read this:

./jboss-cli.sh --controller=host:9999 --connect --gui --user=jboss --password=pwd --command=/system-property=foo.bar:read-resource
    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {"value" => "bar"}

... and it shows up in the overview of properties:

.. --command="/core-service=platform-mbean/type=runtime:read-attribute(name=system-properties)"
    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {
        "[Standalone]" => "",
        "catalina.home" => "/opt/services/jboss7/standalone/tmp",
        "file.encoding" => "UTF-8",
        "file.encoding.pkg" => "sun.io",
        "file.separator" => "/",
       "foo.bar" => "bar",


        "java.version" => "1.6.0_35",


But when I want to read the existing property "java.version" (or any other) it gives an error:

    "outcome" => "failed",
    "failure-description" => "JBAS014807: Management resource '[(\"system-property\" => \"java.version\")]' not found",
    "rolled-back" => true


So, how can I read/modify existing properties?


Using: Jboss 7.1 Standalone!

