JBoss Community

Re: Bug JBTM-532 and JBoss Transactions 4.11

created by Mauro Molinari in JBoss Transactions Development - View the full discussion

Hi Jonathan, thanks for your reply.  What is JCA? Is it about JEE Connector Architecture? Can be TS+JCA used outside a JEE application server (in Tomcat, for instance)? Is there any documentation available on how to use TS+JCA instead of the JDBC module? How does JCA match with JDBC?  As of now we are using JBossTS JTA embedded into our web application, using Spring to manage the transactions (which span multiple databases, one controlled with Hibernate and others with a proprietary ORM) and JBossTS JTA as our JTA-XA implementation. We're using the JBossTS TransactionalDriver and the DynamicClass mechanism to get the XADataSource (instead of using JNDI). Is this reproducible with JBossTS+JCA?  Anyway, the problem I'm describing here is very circumscribed and I have also proposed a very simple solution (if my assupmtions are right)... so maybe you could help even if the future of the JDBC module is uncertain right now?  Thanks in advance, Mauro.

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