Can someone step me thru how to setup log4j on JBoss AS7?
I've tried the following.
I have an EJB Jar file which has a "log4j.properties" file.
This same JAR file will log correctly on other AppServers (such as Glassfish).
I read else where that I must do the following in my "standalone.xml" file:
<size-rotating-file-handler name="MY_LOGGER">
<level name="TRACE"/>
<pattern-formatter pattern="%d{MMM-dd hh:mm:ss} [%c{1}] %m%n"/>
<file relative-to="jboss.server.log.dir" path="myLogger.log"/>
<rotate-size value="9216K"/>
<max-backup-index value="3"/>
<logger category="com.mycompany">
<level name="TRACE"/>
<handler name="MY_LOGGER"/>
I tried that and it still doesn't work
I don't want to do anything fancy. All I want is for my log statements to be written in a file called "myLogger.log".
Any help would be appreciated.