Community has problems w/ included WSDL

reply from Dave Siracusa in JBoss ESB Development - View the full discussion

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The developers are using JAXB WS which generates a very modular WSDL.

I brought down a local copy of the WSDL, child WSDL, and 3 XSD files.

I was able to get it to process the wsdl and contract by adding a default types element (bold below).

The types element is actually in the child wsdl.  processTypes(srcWsdl, wsdlLoc) fails in the root/parent wsdl.


<definitions xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="" name="MetaverseApiService" targetNamespace="">
<import namespace="" location="http://localhost/metaverse1.wsdl"/>
  <xsd:schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified"/>
<binding name="MetaverseApiPortBinding" type="ns1:MetaverseApiPortType" xmlns:ns1="">

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