JBoss Community

Updates for August 29 - September 5

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Would Teiid be suitable for federating non-relational document stores? new activity by Ning Tan , Ramesh Reddy
JBPM process not starting new activity by Binay Mohanty
MDB.jar needs additional jar files new activity by William Moore , Justin Bertram
Disabling JSP: jsp-configuration disable="true" broken? new activity by Roland McIntosh
ParserException when invoking web service from generated WAR new activity by sanjay bhardwaj , Ted Jones
Unable to update, Issues in insert statement new activity by sanjay bhardwaj , Steven Hawkins
Is there any document explaining which jar is used for which purpose in jboss as 7.1.1 final "modules" directory. new activity by Nav Diesel , Wolf-Dieter Fink
Add all classes in src/main/java new activity by Philippe Marschall
trouble running embedded Teiid example new activity by Ning Tan , Steven Hawkins
JMS over SSL: Client starting STARTTLS but channel doesn't support SSL new activity by marek zupnik , Justin Bertram

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testing the new list server was viewed 13,220 times and replied to by 3 people

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