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PicketBox Security Annotations

modified by Ondrej Zizka in PicketBox Development - View the full document

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Project:  PicketBox



Here we describe the various security annotations available as part of PicketBox.


@SecurityDomain Annotation

Fully Qualified Name:  org.jboss.security.annotation.SecurityDomain


It contains:

  • value: a name indicating the security domain.


@Authentication Annotation


Fully Qualified Name:  org.jboss.security.annotation.Authentication


It contains:

  • modules: an array of @Module  annotations.  This is not optional.



@Authentication(modules={@Module(code = UsersRolesLoginModule.class, options = {@ModuleOption})})
public class AuthenticationAnnotatedPOJO

@Authorization Annotation

Fully Qualified Name:  org.jboss.security.annotation.Authorization


It contains:

  • modules: an array of @Module  annotations. This is not optional.


@Authentication(modules={@Module(code = UsersRolesLoginModule.class, options = {@ModuleOption})})
@Authorization(modules ={@Module(code = PicketBoxAuthorizationModule.class, options =
public class AuthAuthorizationAnnotatedPOJO

@SecurityMapping Annotation


Fully Qualified Name:  org.jboss.security.annotation.SecurityMapping


It contains:

  • modules: an array of @Module  annotations. This is not optional.


@Authentication(modules =
{@Module(code = UsersRolesLoginModule.class, options =
@SecurityMapping(modules =
{@Module(code = OptionsRoleMappingProvider.class, type="role", options =
{@ModuleOption(key="rolesMap",value="validuser=AuthorizedUser,InternalUser", valueType=VALUE_TYPE.JAVA_PROPERTIES),
      @ModuleOption(key="replaceRoles", value="false")})})
public class AuthPlusMappingAnnotatedPOJO

@SecurityAudit Annotation


Fully Qualified Name:  org.jboss.security.annotation.SecurityMapping


It contains:

  • modules: an array of @Module  annotations. This is not optional.


public class SecurityMappingAnnotationRolePOJO

@Module Annotation


Fully Qualified Name: org.jboss.security.annotation.Module


It contains:

  • code : the class of the module (Eg: UsersRolesLoginModule.class) This represents the JAAS login module for @Authentication, Policy Module for @Authorization, Mapping provider for @SecurityMapping and Audit Provider for @Audit
  • flag : one of (REQUIRED,REQUISITE,SUFFICIENT,OPTIONAL).  Default, REQUIRED is assumed.  This is the behavior defined in the JAAS configuration for login modules. (Optional)
  • type: an additional type value provided (mainly, for mapping modules).  Default: ""  (Optional)
  • options: an array of @ModuleOption  annotations


@ModuleOption Annotation


Fully Qualified Name: org.jboss.security.annotation.ModuleOption


It contains:

  • key : key of the option being passed to the module
  • value : value of the options being passed to the module
  • valueType : whether the value is a regular string or assumed as a Java properties. Default is plain string.


@SecurityConfig Annotation


Fully Qualified Name: org.jboss.security.annotation.ModuleOption


It contains:

  • fileName:  name of the xml config file that defines the security domain configuration



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