Hello. I'm migrating a .war application from AS 7.1 to EAP 6.1.0.GA, but I'm not able to log to console (other appenders just work) using log4j and per-deployment logging. I can reproduce the issue with a quickstart:
- Import the jboss-eap-6.1.0-quickstarts/log4j project (I've set version.org.jboss.spec.jboss.javaee.6.0 = 3.0.2.Final, for the records)
- Everything's fine, logging to console is ok
- Create a log4j.properties (or .xml, I had the same issues) that logs both to a console appender and a file appender
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, file, console
Observed: the logs are written properly to the specified file, but nothing is shown on the console. No configuration warnings or errors are shown during the server/app startup.
I've spent several hours searching for a solution but the only suggestions i got were related to "disabling per-deployment logging", which is not what I want (I like this feature a lot)!
Thank you in advance,